Maximize your Workouts by TJ Hoban

Save Your Shoulders to Boost Your Bench

Use this stretch to protect your shoulders from injury and help you bench bigger in weeks.

If your shoulders hurt when you bench, your pec minor muscle may be tight. This is the chest muscle that lies under the larger pec major. Even if you stretch your pecs regularly, the classic door-frame stretch— elbow bent 90 degrees, forearm vertical against the frame, and leaning forward—won’t hit the pec minor. Try the stretch described below before you bench. By loosening the pec minor, you increase its range of motion, which takes pressure off the shoulder joint.

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Raise your arm overhead 30–40 degrees above parallel. Place your palm against a wall and turn your body away. Hold for 10 seconds. Perform two sets (each side).

Save Yourself

1. Roll out the pec minor using a lacrosse ball or baseball. Dig the ball right into the junction between your shoulder and pec. Do this before you bench press to enhance the effect.

2. Perform external rotations. Take a cable, bend your elbow 90 degrees, and raise your arm out to the side—then rotate your forearm backward. This strengthens the rotator cuff, which stabilizes pressing.

3. Take breaks. Don’t bench press for more than three to four weeks in a row. Swap in other presses that work the pecs from different angles, and use different equipment, like dumbbells.

Sample Bench-Press Warmup

  1. Pec Minor Rollout: Make small circles with the ball for 30 seconds straight.
  2. Pec Minor Stretch: Stretch each side for 10 seconds; repeat.
  3. External Rotation: Perform a set of 6 reps on each side, then a set of 3 reps.
  4. Plyo Pushup: Perform a set of 6 reps, then a set of 3. Rest 30 seconds between sets.

Read original article

13 Suprise Benifits of Weight Training by TJ Hoban

health, bodybuilding, fitness model, get 6 pack abs, loose weight, Motivation, muscle, nutrition, p90x, personal trainer, supplements, T.J.Hoban, TJHoban, top fitness model, top trainer, weight loss, workout, celebrity trainer, build muscle, loose weightWhenever you open a men’s or women’s lifestyle magazine, buff and chiseled men and women stare back at you from the pages, looking toned, tanned and happy. Although many of those images are probably highly PhotoShopped and air-brushed, it’s clear those people have put in their time at the gym. But are their happy smiles and healthy glow all real? Perhaps. Weightlifting can help you burn fat, reduce your risk of diabetes, prevent back pain and even help you fight depression. Research findings show that not only can weightlifting improve your body composition and give you a toned appearance, but it can also improve your overall health and make you a happier person.

1. Muscle Fights Fat

Want to be able to have that extra piece of pizza without feeling guilty? Lift weights. In an animal study published in the Feb. 6, 2008 issue of Cell Metabolism, Boston University researchers demonstrated that type II muscle fibers, the kind you build when you lift weights, improve whole-body metabolism. The researchers genetically engineered mice with a type II muscle growth-regulating gene that could be turned on and off. After eight weeks on a high-fat, high-sugar diet, they activated the gene, but did not change the mice’s diet. Without any change in activity level, the mice lost total body fat. The researchers concluded that an increase in type II muscle fibers can reduce body fat without changes to diet and might be effective in the fight against obesity.

2. Reduce Depression Symptoms

When it comes to the effects of exercise on depression, aerobic exercise, such as running and swimming, has been much more extensively researched than anaerobic exercise, such as weightlifting. But as one study reports, there’s little difference between the two in terms of how well they relieve symptoms of depression. Continue reading

Body Symmetry by T.J. Hoban

TJ Hoban, Muscle and Fitness, muscle imbalence

Hey friends.  Pick up the August issue of Muscle and Fitness w/ Hugh Jackman on the cover, now on stands for my article on Body Symmetry.  It reveals the importance of resetting and strengthening muscular imbalances to avoid injury.  If you have knee, back or joint pain, you may have imbalances causing some muscles to over compensate adding unnatural pressure on your skeletal system.

Eat, train, love.


Gut Check by TJ Hoban

motivation, inspiration, health, bodybuilding, fitness model, get 6 pack abs, loose weight, Motivation, muscle, nutrition, p90x, personal trainer, supplements, T.J.Hoban, TJHoban, top fitness model, top trainer, weight loss, workout, celebrity trainer, build muscle, loose weight

The weekend is upon us.  I challenge you to Train like a Champion, Eat like an Athlete, and Find some Fun in between.  Summer is here.  It’s time to get ripped.

Be blessed, TJ

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My Secret to Success by TJ Hoban

health, bodybuilding, fitness model, get 6 pack abs, loose weight, Motivation, muscle, nutrition, p90x, personal trainer, supplements, T.J.Hoban, TJHoban, top fitness model, top trainer, weight loss, workout, celebrity trainer, build muscle, loose weight

Far too often people give up before they even get started.  The task may be too big, daunting, painful, or never been done before.  It’s easy to be dissuaded when you’re tired and staring at a mountain.  When it comes to weight loss or body transformations, it’s no different.  The mountain gets bigger and feeling gets worse the more weight you have to loose.  But remember, things only seem impossible until they are done.  The hardest part is always starting.  Most will put it off until after a holiday, a busy work week, or once they get caught up on sleep.  If you’re waiting for the perfect day, it’s never going to come.  Unfortunately, most won’t feel compelled until they’re diagnosed with type II diabetes, life threatening high cholesterol, or heart disease.  For those of you who simply do not care and will deal with changing only after the wheels fall off, I can not help you.  But if you’re tired of looking horrible, feeling worse, and are ready to change your body for life, I have a very simple advice that will help.  Call it my “Secret”.  It’s very simple, but requires 100% commitment.  But if you give it that, I guarantee you will succeed.

1.  Choose a target date.

2.  Envision how you want to look.

3.  Now use every decision to step closer.

4.  No excuses.  No distractions.  Only success.  GO!

5.  Repeat.

I’ve used this very method to literally transform my body at a young age and stay in peak shape my entire adult life.  Of course, looking good is great, but feeling good is even more powerful.  You can’t put a price on a heightened quality of life.  Adversity will happen.  The only constant is change.  But to have the ability to deal from an empowered optimists view is priceless.  That is what fitness gave me and I wish to share with you.

Eat, Train, Love.


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#1 Tip for Maximum Fat Burning by TJ Hoban

TJ Hoban, Mens fitness, health, workout, six-pack, abs, diet, nutrition, weight loss, muscle building, fit tips

#1 Tip for Maximum Fat Burning

by T.J. Hoban

In a recent blog post I dared people not to eat after 7pm.  The response was impressive as many of you accepted the challenge.  Kudos to you.   So how does not eating late help with fat loss?   Obviously, if you’re not up late eating cereal with your hands, you’re not adding to your daily calorie intake.  But there’s another, more scientific reason.

Throughout the day, your body burns the calories you’ve consumed for energy, and whatever hasn’t burned gets temporarily stored in the liver as glycogen.  While sleeping, that glycogen is converted into glucose and released into your bloodstream to keep your blood-sugar levels stable while you snooze.  Once  glycogen is depleted, your liver starts incinerating fat cells for energy.   That’s right!  You actually burn fat in your sleep by fasting several hours before bed.  For maximum fat loss, allow 12 hours between your last meal and first meal of the next day.

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And my #1 Tip for Maximum Fat Burning, body changing results is…  Workout out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach after a 12 hour fast (Water or black coffee OK).   Your bodies fat burning furnace is kicked into high gear converting those unwanted love  handles  into readily available  energy.  Sexy summertime is coming.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you try this method I highly recommend  recommend supplementing with high quality BCAA’s (branch chain amino acids) and glutamine to prevent muscle catabolism or breakdown.

Eat, Train, Love,

TJ Hoban


I dare you not to eat past 7p 2nite.

tjhoban, t.j.hoban, fitness, health, weight loss, diet, six pack, abs, fitness model, trainer

See related article my #1 Tip for Maximum Fat Burning

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6 Steps to Tight Abs by TJ Hoban

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6 Steps to Tight Abs

by TJ Hoban

Washboard abs are without a doubt the most desired and difficult to attain body part.   A tone core is a sign of good health, a fit body, and movie star sex appeal.  But when it comes to doing the work, we make excuses, like genetics, too busy, too tired, can’t stop eating, etc.  The truth is, excuses are just that.  Excuses!  Adopt these 6 simple steps to finally rid your flabby tummy and reveal your ultimate abs.

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1. Sleep More.   Most people are sleep deprived.  One of the easiest things you can do for your weight is spend more time in bed.  YES!  Sleeping helps lower cortisol, the stress hormone.  When elevated cotisol inhibits your ability to burn fat.  A Harvard study found that people who slept less than 5 hours a night, were  an average of 5 pounds heavier and more likely to become obese than those who slept more than 7 hours. One reason: Just a single night of inadequate sleep may increase activity in your brain’s reward center, particularly regarding food.   Plus, if your sleeping, you’re not eating late night junk food.

2. Resistance Training.  Your treadmill’s calorie counter might make cardio seem like the fat-loss answer, but the more you run, the more efficient your body becomes at running and you calorie burn will diminish.  Also, running long distances are not good for your skeletal system over time and may cause joint pain or injury.   No need to give up cardio all together.   I like to walk briskly at an incline on the treadmill before weight training.   There’s no substitute for resistance training when it comes to building your ultimate body and incinerating belly fat.  Just a few days a week will boost your metabolic rate, increase lean muscle and blast fat better than aerobic training.

3.  Push More.   So you got your pump on?  Go a little heavier. You too ladies!  Moving strong weight not only increases your calorie burn during your workout, but also elevates your sleeping metabolism by about 8 percent,  say researchers at Washington University school of medicine in St. Louis.   That’s right, you’ll burn more calories sleeping!  And every calories counts.  Be careful not to over do it.  Our minds are usually stronger than our bodies.  NO INJURIES.

4.  Eat Often.  Five or six lean meals a day is optimal for fat loss.   That’s because digestion requires energy, so spreading your calories out keeps your metabolism moving and your stomach happy.  The problem? It’s not how frequently you eat but rather what you eat that affects how many calories you burn at mealtime.  The key is to eat smaller meals with  foods that don’t bog down your metabolism, like gluten, dairy, simple sugars, abundance of red meat.

5.  Protein Up.  Each time you eat you chow a meal that doesn’t include protein, you spike your insulin, shutting down calorie burn.  Protein helps regulate blood sugar, keeps you satiated, and requires more calories to digest.  It is the building blocks of muscle and hormones and prevents muscle breakdown during training.  Eat a palm sized portion of lean protein for each meal, like fish, chicken, turkey, and occasionally lean beef.

6.  Snack Smart.   Eating more frequently is important, but not at the cost of consuming too many cals.  Protein shakes or meal replacement shakes are the perfect snack, not only for the quality protein, but because you know your exact calorie count.    And they’re a great way to maintain your daily vitamin intake.  I prefer isolate whey protein as it is higher quality and less bloating than whey complex.

There are many other things you can do to trim the fat, like proper supplementation, eating for your blood type, avoiding foods that cause allergies, etc.  But, if you start with these simple 6 steps, you’ll shed pounds for summer.  It’s almost time to bust out the bathing suit.

Eat, Train, Love.


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