Tranquility is Found in Purpose by TJ Hoban

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“Just as lack of direction stirs the soul, tranquility is found in purpose.”  TJ Hoban©

How many times have you been driving and got lost?  It’s a very uneasy feeling that begins to magnify and can turn into full fledged choking anxiety.  That is, until you find your way.   We’re all goal oriented creatures at our core, dawning back through evolution.  Without goals, without focus, we can get lost.  Life is driving.  But instead of a car, your driving you.   So if you ever feel lost, know that it is a temporary state of being.   Simply think about your future, your purpose, and decide where you’d like to be.  Map it out with goals, lock in and go.  Immediately you’ll find a renewed sense of self breeding confidence in your life;  Rolling top down, wind in your hair, with limitless possibilities on the horizon.  And if you ever fall off track, now you know the way back.  Live with purpose!


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Horizon of Truth by T.J. Hoban


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Today’s the Day!

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I dare you not to eat past 7p 2nite.

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See related article my #1 Tip for Maximum Fat Burning

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6 Steps to Tight Abs by TJ Hoban

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6 Steps to Tight Abs

by TJ Hoban

Washboard abs are without a doubt the most desired and difficult to attain body part.   A tone core is a sign of good health, a fit body, and movie star sex appeal.  But when it comes to doing the work, we make excuses, like genetics, too busy, too tired, can’t stop eating, etc.  The truth is, excuses are just that.  Excuses!  Adopt these 6 simple steps to finally rid your flabby tummy and reveal your ultimate abs.

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1. Sleep More.   Most people are sleep deprived.  One of the easiest things you can do for your weight is spend more time in bed.  YES!  Sleeping helps lower cortisol, the stress hormone.  When elevated cotisol inhibits your ability to burn fat.  A Harvard study found that people who slept less than 5 hours a night, were  an average of 5 pounds heavier and more likely to become obese than those who slept more than 7 hours. One reason: Just a single night of inadequate sleep may increase activity in your brain’s reward center, particularly regarding food.   Plus, if your sleeping, you’re not eating late night junk food.

2. Resistance Training.  Your treadmill’s calorie counter might make cardio seem like the fat-loss answer, but the more you run, the more efficient your body becomes at running and you calorie burn will diminish.  Also, running long distances are not good for your skeletal system over time and may cause joint pain or injury.   No need to give up cardio all together.   I like to walk briskly at an incline on the treadmill before weight training.   There’s no substitute for resistance training when it comes to building your ultimate body and incinerating belly fat.  Just a few days a week will boost your metabolic rate, increase lean muscle and blast fat better than aerobic training.

3.  Push More.   So you got your pump on?  Go a little heavier. You too ladies!  Moving strong weight not only increases your calorie burn during your workout, but also elevates your sleeping metabolism by about 8 percent,  say researchers at Washington University school of medicine in St. Louis.   That’s right, you’ll burn more calories sleeping!  And every calories counts.  Be careful not to over do it.  Our minds are usually stronger than our bodies.  NO INJURIES.

4.  Eat Often.  Five or six lean meals a day is optimal for fat loss.   That’s because digestion requires energy, so spreading your calories out keeps your metabolism moving and your stomach happy.  The problem? It’s not how frequently you eat but rather what you eat that affects how many calories you burn at mealtime.  The key is to eat smaller meals with  foods that don’t bog down your metabolism, like gluten, dairy, simple sugars, abundance of red meat.

5.  Protein Up.  Each time you eat you chow a meal that doesn’t include protein, you spike your insulin, shutting down calorie burn.  Protein helps regulate blood sugar, keeps you satiated, and requires more calories to digest.  It is the building blocks of muscle and hormones and prevents muscle breakdown during training.  Eat a palm sized portion of lean protein for each meal, like fish, chicken, turkey, and occasionally lean beef.

6.  Snack Smart.   Eating more frequently is important, but not at the cost of consuming too many cals.  Protein shakes or meal replacement shakes are the perfect snack, not only for the quality protein, but because you know your exact calorie count.    And they’re a great way to maintain your daily vitamin intake.  I prefer isolate whey protein as it is higher quality and less bloating than whey complex.

There are many other things you can do to trim the fat, like proper supplementation, eating for your blood type, avoiding foods that cause allergies, etc.  But, if you start with these simple 6 steps, you’ll shed pounds for summer.  It’s almost time to bust out the bathing suit.

Eat, Train, Love.


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